There’s an old saying that goes something like this, “I bargained with life for a penny and life would pay no more.”
I have been thinking about that in multiple areas of life lately and considering the standards I have set for myself.
I learned about energetic setpoints from a coach, Amanda Frances, as they relate to money, but it applies to everything in life.
We set the bar. We are the conductors. We choose. Always.
For each area of our life, we have minimums and maximums. I will explain this concept using money as an example because I think that is the easiest one to grasp, initially.
Our energetic minimum is the amount of money that we *cannot imagine NOT earning in a month. If you did nothing out of the ordinary, if you were not ambitious, how much money do you believe you would receive monthly? By the way, our minimums can be negative. So, for example, some people with a very low minimum, may not imagine receiving more than $0 if they expended zero effort. But for others, maybe their minimum is $100k per month. You have subconscious minimums for every bank account – checking, savings, investments, etc.
Our energetic maximum is the highest amount of money that we can imagine receiving. We also impose upper limits on ourselves. If you cringed at the $100k minimum above, then your maximum is much lower. For some, maximums can be very low too. Maybe the maximum is $500 a month. For others, it might be $500k. You also have maximums for every account. How good can you imagine it being? That’s your maximum.
Essentially, with every area of your life, you have subconscious energetic setpoints – minimums and maximums - that you are willing to tolerate.
This helps to explain the phenomenon of people who have received a bonus one month, but then manifest bills at the same amount. Their maximum did not allow for the space for the extra money to land.
Do you get what I mean?
Now, money is an easy example. But we do this in relationships, health, our weight, and more.
In relationships, we tolerate behaviors based on minimums and maximums. Maybe our minimum standard is that we will not be physically abused, but our maximum is only that we won’t be cheated on. Not super high standards here.
On the contrast, we could have a minimum that we are treated with love, respect, and cherished for who we are. And maybe our maximum is that we also get gifts on a weekly basis as a cherry on top. This is a funny example, but again, you get the idea.
With weight, some people cannot imagine themselves any thinner than 120 pounds and no heavier than 150 pounds, so they fluctuate between their minimum and maximum.
The Game
I believe that as we grow and work on ourselves and remember our inherent worthiness and wholeness, that it is our responsibility to continue to raise our setpoints. The minimums get to increase and the maximums get to increase (in money, relationships, and health).
I would hope that you are not dating the same level of person you dated in high school (unless you’re one of those really cute humans with a middle school love story!). You are also probably not earning the same hourly rate that you did at your first job.
You also get to raise your health setpoints. There is this B.S. common belief that as we age, our health declines, but that is just your minimum and maximum decreasing. You get to choose. What about if you flipped it around?
As life goes on, we gain experience, we get clearer about what we desire and what we want to let go of, and our setpoints continue to rise (hopefully).
If you have a sneaky thought in your head that sounds something like this, “But who am I to have this dream life?”
Oh, hell no.
Shut that voice down right now, my love.
Here’s what you say to that critical voice: “If something good is going to happen, it’s going to happen to me. I am whole, worthy, complete, and who am I NOT to have the life of my dreams?”
There are people around the world in turmoil and the best way for us to help them is to increase our internal and external resources, so that we can be of service. You will not help anyone by living a miserable life.
You don’t need to become a billionaire (if you don’t want to). You don’t need to marry anyone (if you don’t want to). You don’t need to be super skinny if that’s not your body type.
What I am saying is that it is your responsibility to live the life of YOUR dreams, which makes YOUR heart sing, so that you can be of service to others.
We live the life of our dreams by raising our energetic setpoints and letting the Universe fill in the gaps. We are always supported, resourced, and guided, especially when we are clear and energetically aligned.
So, my questions for you are: What are your minimums and maximums? Are you happy with them? Do you feel fulfilled with them? If not, can you get your energy behind raising them?
Here’s to higher standards.
Xoxo 🤍